
College. It's not for wimps.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Dear Students,

I am the old lady in your class. I drive on campus and you simply scare me to death. You cross the streets at angles, cross in the middle or anywhere you choose. You never stop at the corners. You never look both ways, you never look anyway at all...because you are sleep walking...because you are looking at your cellphone. You are texting or reading email and you scare me. You should think about how terrible I would feel if I hit you...................................................................................................Okay...yes I would feel terrible...I promise.....but you'd be hurt, you'd have trouble getting around and that would be inconvenient and terrible. I would probably cry. Walking around here on crutches is no fun, trust me. So please give some indication that you at least realize that there are cars that drive on and through campus. We both know that you are not a motorized vehicle and shouldn't walk in the streets....but I am well aware that you do...all day...all the time....all I ask is that you become aware that there are old ladies with slowed reaction times and quite possibly bad breaks that drive on campus.  Oh yeah...since the old Kindergarten rule about looking both ways seems obsolete.... here is new one:
                          Look Up From Your Phone When You Cross the Street! 

Thank you.

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